Notion Academia Planner

55 ratings

Stay Organized, Stay Ahead: Unlock Your Academic Potential with this Notion Academia Planner!

Want to revolutionize your academic success?

Look no further! This Notion Academia Planner is the ultimate all-in-one solution designed specifically for students like you, aiming to optimize your productivity and help you excel in your academic journey.

What's included?

  • Note Taking
  • Grades Tracker
  • Deadlines Tracker
  • Finances
  • Pomodoro Timer
  • Group Projects Tracker
  • Study Playlists


With this planner, you can effortlessly organize your class schedules, assignments, deadlines, and exam dates in one central location. No more flipping through pages or searching for lost notes! Streamline your study routine and reclaim precious time for what truly matters - learning and achieving your goals.

The Notion Academia Planner is completely customizable to suit your unique study style. Adapt the layout, add or remove sections, and personalize it to your preferences, making it a truly personalized academic companion. Tailor the planner to your exact needs and preferences, ensuring that it perfectly aligns with your workflow and study habits.


Can I personalize my template?

- Definitely! Feel free to change what you please.

Do I need to pay to get Notion?

- No, Notion allows you to create a free account.

Any more questions?

- Feel free to reach out to me on Instagram or Twitter at @prodactivate or by mail at I will be more than happy to help!

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Notion Academia Planner

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